Thursday, February 16, 2012

Western Farmers

Topic: Western Farmers

Learning Objective: You will be able to compare and contrast the reasons Americans decided to move westward?

Do Now: 1. Read the handout Circle any person or people, Underline any date, and place a box around the words “Law,” “Act,” “west,” or “land.”

Direct Instruction – 10 minutes of Questions and discussion, elicit info from students  and put on board.

A)    Reason for Farmers to move west

1.    Farmers moved onto the Great Plains for a variety of motives, but the main incentive was readily available land.

2.    Government support, Innovative farming practices, and new technologies helped make farming on the Plains possible.

Conferencing/ Independent Learning / Clustering – Here is a 20 minute activity that students will complete – alone, pairs, or groups

Students will watch the film and answer questions based on the film

Sharing Out / Final Summary – This is how you end the lesson, with questions or activity.

On an exit ticket answer the following question in two complete sentences, give an example of both.

1.    What is one of the advantages people had by moving westward as well as a disadvantage?